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PhRMA Chairman Kenneth C Frazier leads global delegation to India


The visit assumes significance as India’s National IP policy is being readied for final approval

Kenneth C Frazier, Chairman, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) who is also the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, MSD led a global delegation to India recently. He was accompanied by representatives from PhRMA’s European and Japanese member companies, including Hideshi Honda, Representative Corporate Officer and Asia Region President, Eisai.

The visit assumes significance as India’s National IP policy is being readied for final approval. The final draft of India’s National IP Policy was leaked in mid-October. Media reports have quoted DIPP Secretary Amitabh Kant clarifying that this was not the final policy, but the final draft as submitted by the government-appointed IP Think Tank. According to him, the government is to make the final draft which will be announced in 30-45 days.

According to the PhRMA statement, the recent delegation demonstrated ‘the global industry’s commitment to working with all stakeholders in promoting a strong innovation ecosystem focused on improving health outcomes for the people of India.’ The global delegation met with Indian government officials, academic experts and business leaders to encourage support of India’s policy efforts, including advancing access to medicines and healthcare overall, as well as strengthening the system that leads to their discovery.

Frazier, on behalf of PhRMA welcomed ‘India’s efforts to enhance patient access to quality healthcare and strengthen the life sciences industry’ and said his visit had reinforced his enthusiasm for India’s prospects in life sciences, and specifically the innovative medicines sector. “Cultivating this potential is well aligned with Prime Minister Modi’s goals of bringing growth to India through research, innovation, and manufacturing. With the right policies put in place, and led by a government that understands the true value of innovation, India can one day become a globally competitive leader in life sciences and biomedical development,” he said.

Stressing on PhRMA’s commitment to work with the Government of India, “to provide practical and actionable solutions, based on global best practices, to help create a patient-centered, pro-innovation healthcare system and stimulate biopharmaceutical R&D,” he pointed out that the “biopharmaceutical industry is the world’s most research-intensive industry and a key driver of economic growth.”

“Greater investment in R&D leads to new medicines that can extend lives and increase productivity, thereby driving greater progress and prosperity for society. India’s potential to be a global leader in pharma research and investment will only be realised if we can work together to build and sustain a scientific, economic, and policy ecosystem that promotes and rewards medical innovation,” added Frazier.

In conclusion, the PhRMA statement hinted at further engagement, stating, “A system designed to foster growth and develop the innovative medicines sector requires a world-class drug regulatory framework, a thriving scientific and research community, a conducive business environment, a legal infrastructure that fosters invention, and a well-financed health care system. PhRMA looks forward to working with Prime Minister Modi and his government to turn India’s great promise into a reality.”

Frazier was also part of the launch of Project ASMAN recently. The alliance brings together five major players – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, MSD in India (through its MSD for Mothers programme), Reliance Foundation, Tata Trusts and USAID to reduce maternal and newborn mortality in India. The alliance aims to create a model for future private sector engagement with national and sub-national governments by establishing synergies with existing government strategies


EP News BureauMumbai

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