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Wanbury gives managers access to analysis on mobile devices

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Wanbury is a fast-growing pharmaceuticals company with a strong presence in active pharma ingredients — substances or compounds used in the manufacture of pharma products.

Based in Maharashtra in western India, Wanbury specialises in domestic branded formulations for the rapidly expanding market in India. It’s rated among the top 50 companies in the country by specialist research consultancy ORG IMS. Wanbury is the largest manufacturer of well-known drugs such as metformin, tramadol and salsalate for the US market and exports products to more than 50 countries. Wanbury seeks business discovery platform to analyse ‘big data’.

With its business expanding, Wanbury wanted to improve its business discovery capacity to satisfy an increasingly mobile executive team, as well as enable complex analysis and drill down into big data. The company previously used exporting data from various standalone applications into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to generate largely static BI reports.

The system had several drawbacks, including reduced accountability for, and visibility of, organisational and individual performance. This, in turn, often delayed decision making by senior management and heads of departments.

Pandurang Salunkhe, the recently appointed Head of IT, with extensive experience in the pharma industry says, “Drill up and drill down features into key performance indicators weren’t available. This meant that the IT team created multiple reports to present the same data at different levels. In addition, static reports led to duplication of analysis and resulted in inefficiencies.”

The reporting solution was also unable to provide analysis trending capabilities to executives who were on the move or away from the office. Asfhan Neverekar, Senior Manager—IT, Wanbury says, “The major challenge we faced was gaining access to business discovery reports from any device—including android phones and iPad devices — for our executive team. We needed to simplify decision making, giving staff access to information from anywhere.”

QlikView emerges as preferred solution for Wanbury

In seeking a replacement for legacy system, Wanbury considered a number of traditional BI vendors, but QlikView 11 emerged as the preferred business discovery platform. QlikTech partner QuoSphere Infosolutions managed the systems integration and completed the deployment work and training by May 2012.

Salunkhe says, “Deployment of QlikView happened quickly and change management was smooth. The whole implementation took just three months. QuoSphere Infosolutions delivered many quick standard reports and further customised them to meet our specific business needs.”

Wanbury values the cross-platform accessibility of QlikView, especially because a number of different operating systems—including Windows and Mac OS—are in use throughout the company.

Neverekar says, “In QlikView, the associative in-memory technology allows users to analyse the data quickly. Its platform independent, and the mobility access in QlikView 11 across iPhone, iPad, and Android devices is appealing.”

Easy integration with existing data sources favours QlikView

Wanbury likes the fact that QlikView has been designed to tightly integrate with existing security systems and data sources, thus preserving current IT investments. Salunkhe says, “The rapid access from QlikView to many types of analytics through various reports happens without disturbing the source system performance. Wanbury has various data source systems, but they’re all located centrally so integration of data sources was easy.”

Wanbury employees are using a QlikView SAP Connector to analyse in-house SAP data quickly and easily. Salunkhe says, “QlikView, through its in-memory associative technology, delivers rapid data visibility and unprecedented decision-making agility for all Wanbury business and technical users. We use a single product instead of requiring a stack of BI products.”

Wanbury is planning to extend its use of QlikView to the finance and research and development business units in its upcoming financial year. Neverekar says, “QlikView is a highly cost-effective solution compared to other business discovery platforms on the market. The self-service analytics saves a lot of time for the IT team, which can now get on with more productive work. With QlikView, we have successfully built a uniform reporting layer for different heads of departments and executive managers.”

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