Express Pharma

Lonza expands airway disease portfolio with addition of IPF airway cells

Lonza’s ability to provide primary cells coupled with detailed donor information enables researchers to relate donor characteristics to disease progression

Lonza offers cryopreserved lung fibroblasts isolated from donors diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) for use in research into this potentially fatal condition. Normal lung fibroblasts and small airway epithelial cells – from both smokers and non-smokers – are also available, offering a complete solution to facilitate IPF and other airway research. Lonza’s ability to provide primary cells coupled with detailed donor information enables researchers to relate donor characteristics to disease progression. Donor history provides scientists with important insights, particularly as smoking is a known risk-factor for IPF. The addition of IPF cells further expands Lonza’s airway disease portfolio, which also incorporates cells from asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis donors, supporting some of the most important areas in respiratory research.

Research into IPF is a rapidly growing field with recent studies improving the understanding of the condition and enabling doctors to more easily make a diagnosis. However, a considerable amount of research is still needed if a cure is to be found, as the pathways of disease progression are not yet understood with the rate of progression varying from person to person.

In addition to providing a reliable source of IPF cells, Lonza offers ready-to-go optimised cell culture media, enabling scientists to rapidly start experiments. Both cells and media have been widely used in published studies to support many key applications in respiratory research. FGM-2 Fibroblast Growth Media, which is used to support IPF cells, is provided in Lonza’s all-in-one BulletKit format, which includes the appropriate basal medium, growth factors, cytokines and supplements. To streamline and reduce the complexity of experiments, FGM-2 Medium can also be utilized to support normal fibroblasts.

Lubna Hussain, Lonza’s Senior Global Product Manager for Primary Cells, commented, “Until now, IPF tissue has been difficult for researchers to source. By providing these cells, Lonza is making it convenient for customers to quickly progress with their research. IPF cells are available together with normal lung fibroblast cells and culture media providing a complete cell culture solution for IPF research.”

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