Express Pharma

DBT calls for R&D proposals on geriatric nutrition

The applications may be submitted by public and private universities, colleges, institutes and non-profit organisations


With the aim of improving the nutrition and health of the elderly population in the country, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) proposes to support R&D proposals in the following research priority areas in the elderly:

  • Characterisation, identifying biomarkers, role of nutrition and evaluating interventions in sarcopenia and frailty, cognitive decline, anemia, osteopenia and osteoporosis, immunosenescence and ophthalmic disorders.
  • Estimating recommended dietary allowances of macronutrients (energy, protein) and micronutrients (iron, calcium, folate, vitamin D and vitamin B12, etc).
  • Measurement of energy expenditure.
  • Measurement of body composition.
  • Operational research to formulate and implement food security programmes from the underprivileged section.
  • Identifying factors (medical, physiological, social, psychological) contributing to poor nutrition.

The applications may be submitted by public and private universities, colleges, institutes and non-profit organisations (recognised by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO)). Development of inter-disciplinary collaborative research team with involvement of experts from relevant fields is encouraged.

Applicants need to submit the full proposal on or before the deadline through DBT Epromis portal and submit two hard copies to Dr Balendra Singh, Scientist-C, Department of Biotechnology, Block- 3, Room No 525B, 5th floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 and email the soft copy to email: [email protected]. The link to submit the proposal can be accessed by registering and logging in as P.I in portal:

The deadline for submission of full proposal is 26th December 2019.

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