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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Lisa Ray vouch for stem cell therapy

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Celebrities supporting a social cause is nothing new. Lately several well known personalities have offered their support to issues related to health which in turn has given an added impetus to the campaign and garnered the attention of the masses. Several times, a celebrity chooses to champion a particular cause because of his/her personal experience/s. Aishwarya Rai Bachhan and Lisa Ray are cases in point.

Lisa Ray

Both of the actresses have been very vocal about stem cell therapy and its benefits. As an intervention strategy that involves introducing new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury, it is being touted as a great alternative for treatment of several genetic diseases, cancers, and blood disorders.

Lisa Ray went in stem cell therapy after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells known as plasma cells, and claims that it has proved to be very beneficial in her case. Since then she has been advocating the use and advantages of stem cell therapy. She is associated with LifeCell, a leading private stem cell bank and stem cells solutions provider in India. They are credited with bringing the the concept of umbilical cord stem cell banking to India.

Advocating this concept, Ray said, “Stem cells are becoming the cornerstone in modern medicine for the treatment of several medical conditions today. As more and more medical conditions come within the realm of being treatable with stem cells, these wonder cells are now being perceived as lifesavers. It is imperative that parents make use of this wonderful technology of stem cell banking at the time of their baby’s birth, to preserve the nature-endowed gift of umbilical cord stem cells. This is a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that children of this generation have, to enjoy protection for a lifetime.”

“As a beneficiary of stem cells I have experienced their miraculous powers to renew one’s health and life. I urge every parent-to-be to consider stem cell banking be fore their little one arrives. It is a simple decision and also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve stem cells in the most painless way. The time of your baby’s birth would be the most beautiful moment of your life and umbilical cord stem cell banking can add the sheen to it for a lifetime. Your baby stays protected from over 80 medical conditions and you take can pride of having given her the best gift that lasts a lifetime,” she informed.

Aishwarya Rai Bacchan

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is another celeb who has lent her name and support for stemcell preservation. She and her husband chose to get their daughter’s stem cells preserved at LifeCell. Recently, at an event held by LifeCell, she came out in strong support of the therapy and said, “It is the best gift for the child.” As a patron of LifeCell and Goodwill Ambassador for stem cell banking, Aishwarya Rai said, “It is a privilege to educate expectant parents on the significance of banking umbilical cord stem cells since it can secure your baby’s future health against many serious medical conditions. Also advancing stem cell research would only increase the benefits”.

She further elaborated, “Choosing to bank our baby’s umbilical cord stem cells with LifeCell is a treasured gift that will stay with her for life and is an investment for her healthy future. LifeCell’s dual storage, comprehensive insurance packages for total security and complete stem cell service solutions including research and therapy gives me confidence that it is the world’s most accredited stem cell bank.”

Ray also vouched for LifeCell and said, “LifeCell is one company that keeps up with time and growth in technology thereby bringing only the best of the best for its clients. The company is as versatile as stem cells itself and the fact that they provide comprehensive stem cells solutions including R&D and menstrual stem cell banking is testimony to it. They now have exciting plans to take the service and the benefits of stem cells out to common people by positioning it at an affordable price. Stem cells saved my life and it is exciting for me to associate with a company that gives so much life and vibrancy to this technology.”

Thus these celebrities have been won over to this cause by their own experience and have chosen to pass on their learnings for the benefits of the masses. Both of them are also involved with several other social causes as well. Rai Bachchan has been associated with PETA, Smile Train, Aishwarya Rai Foundation and Eye Bank Association of India. Ray also has been campaigning for cancer awareness and Paln Canada’s ‘Because I Am A Girl’ initiative, a global movement that supports the rights of girls around the world. Their involvement have been instrumental in bringing crucial issues to the fore and helped to educate the masses at various levels.

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