Express Pharma

‘We would be able to play our role in helping India’s pharma exports’


Pharmexcil has come into effect in May 2004. Since then it has been liaising between industry and Government to help promote India’s pharmaceuticals exports. Pharmexcil, in the course of promotion of exports in cooperation with Ministry of Commerce, has conducted several business meets. Besides, in identified markets to catch specialised attention, to help small and medium enterprises it has led many delegations and also invited those market’s potential importers for the benefit of our exporters. Pharmexcil has also conducted several seminars regarding regulatory procedures of our destination countries inviting those officials to help our exporters get more familiar with their procedures.

Pharmexcil was adequately supported by Department of Commerce in all the above efforts and during other times too when India’s exporters faced consignment seizures in Europe, which has happened due to misinterpretation of patent laws. We are sure we would continue to get the same support in future also and we would be able to play our role in helping India’s pharma exports to reach next level perfectly.

Dr PV Appaji, Director General, Pharmexcil

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