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‘We aim to stimulate biotech business in Gujarat’

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What was the rationale/ vision behind the launch of GSBTM in 2004 by the Gujarat Government? What have been the major milestones so far?

Akshaykumar Saxena

At national level, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) is the department for promoting biotechnology. However, there is no institutional mechanism at the state level. Despite the relevance of biotechnology, the issue remains unaddressed owing to lack of any support system at the state level. The rationale behind creating GSBTM was to establish a state-level nodal agency which could coordinate the activities programme for encouraging and promoting biotechnology in the state. Major milestones have been developing biotechnology policy in state, establishing state-level organisational mechanism for addressing biotechnology development; state supported and funded programmes for holistic development of biotechnology, independent DBT programmes; creating specific research and business related infrastructure; widening base of biotechnology research; popularising and developing modern high-end technologies; as well as stimulating entrepreneurship and biotech (BT) business and investments.

DBT provides support to all Indian biotech companies. Are you following DBT’s strategies for uplifting the Gujarat-based biotech companies?

We are not duplicating the DBT strategies but are trying to ensure that gap-filling is provided at the state government level. GSBTM programmes and schemes aim to provide support which can enable the companies to become eligible for seeking benefit of DBT schemes. GSBTM programme aims to dovetail with DBT programmes.

What all policies/ schemes have been commissioned for the state-based biotech companies and how accessible are they?

Venture fund is the main scheme which aims to support biotech entrepreneurship and start ups. Till now, six companies have been benefited and other proposals are under scrutiny. GSBTM programme provides indirect support to BT companies. Industrial training programmes, increase in the availability of employable manpower to BT industries, enabling companies to get the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) recognition makes the companies eligible for DBT grants like Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG), Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI), Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) etc. Tech transfer programme helps in preparing better grant seeking proposal for BT companies. Biotech Park provides a place for BT companies to launch their business.

Do you plan to add more schemes?

Yes, there are plans to develop more schemes which will benefit technology development, techno-commercialisation biotech entrepreneurship. However, at this stage the same cannot be shared. These schemes will largely address the need of start ups, small and mid-sized companies.

Share the names of biotech companies who have already availed the schemes?

Celestial Biotech, Aura Herbal, Axio-Biotech, Advance Meditech, Century Pharma are few of the companies which have taken the benefit.

How many biotech companies do you have in Gujarat? Do you think it will become a hub for biotech companies?

As per the survey, in 2004, there were around 50 companies engaged in biotechnology operations. As per the survey undertaken in 2013, there are around 154 companies engaged in biotechnology activities. We aim to stimulate biotech business and manufacturing activities. We think Gujarat, with its vast business base in pharma, chemicals and agriculture, will provide a good platform for BT companies to grow in Gujarat.

In the last 10 years, how effective has been the growth of Gujarat-based biotech companies?

In last 10 years, there has been increase in the number of biotechnology education courses, number of post graduates and P.hDs, increase in the number of research projects, research publications, employment created, expansion by existing companies, new start up companies, increase in biotech investment, which are the clear signs of biotechnology growth in Gujarat.

What strategies have you adopted to create awareness about the schemes being offered by GSBTM to biotech firms and how effective are they?

GSBTM does not focus only on industries. It does not treat information about schemes as the only aspect for awareness. It treats information about biotechnology sector, its application, potential, its products, state and national level programmes, business, etc. as awareness areas. GSBTM is addressing the awareness needs of different stakeholders- students (up to higher secondary, undergraduates, post graduates), academicians, industries, public and has taken various steps. E-chronicles, seminars, dedicated literature, awareness activities, alerts to state biotech players about key schemes, biotech awareness corners in districts, website etc are key strategies adopted by GSBTM.

How do you plan to raise funds for your initiatives? Is the Centre also contributing?

State-supported activities have been fully financed by the state government. GSBTM would seek financial support for special programmes. This apart, GSBTM is also encouraging, guiding, facilitating and providing hand-holding to individual project submission under different DBT schemes – SBIRI, BIPP, BIG, research projects, infrastructure strengthening etc. Approximately Rs 20-25 crores of central funding has been received in this way for the biotech sector by the state government. GSBTM has also received DBT- BIRAC supported biotech incubator project at Savli for which ` six crores have been approved. GSBTM, on average, receives Rs 10-11 crores of funds from the state government which are used for biotech programmes, infrastructure, research support, venture support, awareness activities etc.

Why are there a handful biotech companies in India and why are they finding it difficult to maintain their growth consistently?

Biotech is a difficult sector, capital intensive, research-driven and needing highly skilled manpower. Gestation period of new technologies, regulatory aspects, high risk projects, bank ability issues, fund availability etc. are key issues which make biotech business a difficult proposition.

What are the challenges that are hindering the industry’s growth? And how to overcome them?

Access to capital, technologies and mechanism for technology, commercialisation of technology-led enterprises/entrepreneurship, market entry for new products/technologies and techno-innovations, bio-safety compliant regulatory and approval systems for GM/GE crops/ products, support system for biotech SMEs, support system for biotech manufacturing and biotech services, system/mechanism to enable benefits/incentives offered by various state policies, support to new generation technologies and newer technology platforms, appear to be key issues. DBT has been a highly pro-active department which has been monitoring the needs of biotech industry very closely and has provided key inputs from highly active industry association. With every passing year, the Government has been addressing these aspects with new schemes and programmes. DBT has been coordinating with other interfacing departments for regulatory issues.

Tell us about GSBTM’s mission and vision?

GSBTM’s vision is leveraging biotechnology for building Gujarat as an innovative, socially – responsible and sustainable bio-economy. Its objectives are

  1. To utilise biotechnology for rural upliftment and wealth creation
  2. To realise the potentials of inherent resources and strengths of Gujarat using biotechnology
  3. Increase the BT sector’s contribution to state’s economy
  4. To make Gujarat a preferred and globally competitive destination for development of BT products, processes and services; and
  5. To create a conducive environment for biotechnology innovation, growth and development.

What plans have you chalked to accelerate the growth of Gujarat-based biotech companies?

GSBTM has developed a long term strategy for growth and development of biotech business. It includes support for research, technology development, techno commercialisation, venture support, etc. At this stage these approaches cannot be shared.

[email protected]

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