Express Pharma

Skytech System (I) launches Offline TOC analyser QbD 1200


Skytech System (I) announced its association with Anatel Hach and launched the state-of-the-art Offline TOC analyser QbD 1200. With an upper limit of detection up to 100 ppm it fulfills the requirement of analysis of PW, WFI, CV samples. As the name stands for Quality by Design, it ensures the accuracy result by controlling the entire process of TOC analysis individually ie sample introduction, oxidation and detection.

Quality by design approach

  • Self-health check runs each time QbD1200 is powered on and available upon demand
  • Seven sensor types at 10 different monitoring sites continuously check pressure, liquid flow, gas flow, UV lamp intensity, temperature and NDIR detector
  • Easily provides confidence that all sub-systems are functioning properly to ensure a reliable measurement

The analyser has the salient features like

  • UV per sulphate oxidation with NDIR detector.
  • Integrated windows platform eliminates the requirement of PC.
  • Autosampler for 64 vials is available
  • Stable Calibration for a year.
  • Very less Consumable required for run the unit.

The analysis of TOC is always critical for a pharma manufacturing unit so this has been designed to eliminate the hassles of buying reagents frequently, use expensive accessories like resin beds, catalysts etc. less dependency on peripherals so more robust process of analysis.

Contact Details:
Ramesh Sahu
Product Manager
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

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