IIPS to hold patent skills development programme

Mumbai-based Institute of Intellectual Property Studies will be conducting a two day patent skills development programme on April 27 & 28 for aspiring patent agents and professionals. The objective of the IIPS patent agent training programme is to groom patent agent aspirants in all aspects of patenting through the two-day intensive and interactive workshop. The programme will be conducted by qualified patent agents and experts in their field. To facilitate the learning process the workshop will be spread over two days of about eight hours of contact class each separated by a gap of two weeks.

With the renewed thrust on invention and innovation globally, there is a surge in the need for qualified patent agents from industry as well as legal practice. Therefore is a tremendous demand for patent agents/patent attorneys knowledgeable in all aspects of patenting, who have the expertise and authority to rightfully provide stronger protection to such innovations/inventions and help commercialise the same through licensing etc.

To be a qualified patent agent an individual has to pass the patent agent examination conducted by the Patent Office, Govt. of India. The exam this year  is due on the  May 4 & 5. Citizens of India eligible to appear for the patent agent examination should have completed 21 years of age and possess a degree in science, engineering from any university established under law for the time being in force in the territory of India or should possess such other equivalent qualifications as the central government may specify in this behalf.

EP News BureauMumbai

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