DIA India announces key events in early 2013

DIA (Drug Information Association) India has very ambitious plans for first quarter of 2013. It will kick off its first activity with hands on workshop on e-CTD submission at Mumbai and Bangalore in February, Pharmacovigilance conference at Bangalore in March and 6th Regulatory conference at Ahmedabad in the month of April 2013.

DIA (Drug Information Association) is the neutral global forum for knowledge exchange that fosters innovation to raise the level of health and well-being worldwide. It is headquartered at Horsham, PA, USA and has regional offices in India, Japan, China, Europe, Latin America and North America, with a membership base of 18,000 representing professionals from various facets of healthcare sector.

DIA in India over the last four years has provided quality programs, publications, and knowledge resources to regulatory agencies, academia, industry professionals, and patient advocates across the country and Asian continent.

Every year, DIA in India conducts workshops and training programs in various cities such as Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad and Mumbai on varied topics like eCTD compilation, Cardiac Safety, Quality Management Systems, Project Management, Rapid Screening Methods, Generic Drug Application using QbD, Medical writing, Clinical research and Patenting to name a few. DIA conducts several workshops in collaboration with Universities, Regulatory agencies like US FDA, EDQM, WHO and Pharmexcil.

Through its five flagship conferences and exhibitions held annually on Regulatory Affairs, Chemistry, Manufacture and Control (CMC), Pharmacovigilance and the Annual Conference, DIA has established itself as a neutral platform where thought leaders from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and related fields exchange ideas, network, and engage with industry professionals across the globe.

DIA India is very much engaged with academic community in India. It has highly active Student chapters in Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Young Professional Chapter in Gujarat. There are various opportunities available to students and faculty members to benefit through DIA membership by participating in International conferences in Europe and USA. The participation can be as a speaker, poster presenter and also as a volunteer in India as well as Global conferences. There is career Center section on web site www.diahome.org.This is sorted by region, interest area, job type or keyword, and then section for resume submission with confidentiality which may be of great interest to student community. There are special Interest Area Communities (SIAC) which allows members to exchange information, explore industry hot topics, and build a professional network through discipline-specific, global and regional SIACs. There is also online membership directory which allows one self to contact other DIA members easily and confidentially, and provide an online networking resource in addition to networking in person at through educational offerings.

For more details contact
Kaushik Desai
Director, DIA India
Email: Kaushik.Desai@diaindia.org

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