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Biolog’s PM technology by UK AHVLA makes discovery on TB bacterium

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A research team headed by Dr Paul Wheeler from the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA, Weybridge, UK) reported breakthrough progress in understanding the metabolic and phenotypic properties of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its close relative, Mycobacterium bovis. This was reported at a paper published in the journal PLOS ONE.

The publication from the AHVLA is important in several respects. Firstly, it shows that Biolog’s Phenotype MicroArray (PM) technology allows these bacteria to be studied much more quickly and easily, which will accelerate the pace of mycobacterial research. Results can be obtained in seven to 10 days. Secondly, it demonstrates diagnostic potential by phenotypically differentiating strains of these mycobacteria with different host ranges and levels of pathogenicity. Thirdly, the paper expands, as well as confirms, the knowledge of the metabolic properties of these mycobacteria. As a consequence, genome annotation can be improved, the biology of these bacteria can be better understood, and hopefully these insights will facilitate discovery of antibiotics more effective in their eradication.

Wheeler said, “The genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was published in 1998 and high-throughput phenotype analysis of pathogenic mycobacterial strains is needed and long overdue. Molecular typing of Mycobacterium strains has limitations. Though key in surveillance and helpful in identifying emerging strains, it does not provide information on biological properties or phenotypes. This is a substantial gap in our knowledge since it is the phenotype which is selectable and must relate to the evolutionary advantage of one strain over another.”

Mycobacterum tuberculosis is the causative agent of the respiratory disease tuberculosis which infects an estimated eight million people worldwide and is responsible for two million fatalities each year. Mycobacterium bovis afflicts cattle with losses to agriculture of approximately $3 billion per year. These mycobacteria have been very difficult for scientists to study, because they grow very slowly, so experiments can take weeks or months to perform. Other mycobacterial species have also been successfully studied with PM technology. In June last year, researchers in the laboratory of Prof Yung-Fu Chang at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine published also in PLOS ONE on their use of PM technology to analyse the metabolic phenotypes of Mycobacterium avium. In 2009, a team of researchers in the laboratory of Prof Lacy Daniels at Texas A&M, Kingsville used gene knockouts combined with PM technology to show that the Mycobacterium smegmatis gene homologue of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene Rv1238 codes for a transporter of the sugar trehalose and plays a critical role in pathogenicity.

EP News BureauMumbai

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