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Contributor’s Checklist

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  • Express Pharma accepts editorial material for regular columns and from pre-approved contributors/ columnists.
  • Express Pharma has a strict non-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and will blacklist all authors found to have used/referred to previously published material in any form, without giving due credit in the industry-accepted format.
  • As per our organisation’s guidelines, we need to keep on record a signed and dated declaration from the author that this article is authored by him/her/them, that this article is his/her/their original work, that all references have been quoted in full where necessary or due acknowledgement has been given. The declaration also needs to state that the article has not been published before and there exists no impediment to our publication. Without this declaration we cannot proceed.
  • If the article/column is not an original piece of work, the author/s will bear the onus of taking permission for re-publishing in Express Pharma. The final decision to carry such republished articles rests with the Editor.
  • The articles should cover technology and policy trends and business related discussions.
  • Articles for columns should talk about concepts or trends without being too company or product specific.
  • Article length for regular columns: Between 1200 – 1500 words. These should be accompanied by diagrams, illustrations, tables and photographs, wherever relevant. Longer articles are also considered in cases where the topic merits more detailed coverage.
  • Besides the regular columns, each issue will have a special focus on a specific topic of relevance to the Indian market. You may write to the Editor for more details of the schedule.
  • In e-mail communications, avoid large document attachments (above 1MB) as far as possible.
  • Articles may be edited for brevity, style, and relevance.
  • Do specify name, designation, company name, department and e-mail address for feedback, in the article.
  • We encourage authors to send a short profile of professional achievements and a recent photograph, preferably in colour, high resolution with a good contrast.

Email your contribution to: [email protected]


The Editor,
Express Pharma,
Business Publications Division,
The Indian Express Ltd.,
1st Floor, Express Towers,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai – 400 021
Tel: 91-22-2202 2627/ 2285 1964/ 6744 0000
Fax: 91-22-2288 5831

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