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Pharmaceutical market reported at Rs 6793 crores in Aug 2013: IMS Health

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The pharmaceutical market was reported at Rs 6793 crores for the month of August 2013, with a growth of 4.9 per cent, according to IMS Health.

According to Kumar Hinduja, Senior Director, IMS Health, the market saw a slight dip for the month of August 2013, as compared to previous month. One of the major contributors to this sluggish market was the subdued reaction from the trade, to the DPCO 2013 notification. Products impacted by this regulation (~17 per cent of the total market) experienced a dip (~9 per cent in current month, as compared to August 2012) mainly on account of the delay in delivery of newer stocks with changed price from manufacturers, coupled with opposition from some sections of the trade to the proposed reduction in margins of these drugs.

The seasonal factor has also contributed to some extent to the lower monthly growth of 4.9 per cent. While 2012 had seen a strong monsoon revival in August and September across the country, the monsoon this year in August has been relatively milder. This has resulted in decline in certain therapies (anti-infectives which contributes to 16 per cent of the market, de-grew by 4.7 per cent as compared to August 12) slowing down, and impacting the market performance.

For the period MAT August 2013, the pharma market was reported at Rs 74,656 crores, with a growth of 10 per cent, over the same period last year.

Summary highlights for the August 2013 reports follow

Leading corporations performance

The Top-10 corporations for the month of August 2013 were as follows:

For the month of August 2013, Sun and Macelods Pharma were the fastest growing corporations among the Top 10.

Ranbaxy has climbed up three ranks in August 2013 as compared to previous month, while GlaxoSmithKline and Alkem have dropped two and one ranks down respectively, for the same period; ranks of other corporations remained unchanged. For the month, local companies have grown almost twice as fast as compared to MNCs (5.7 per cent vs. 2.8 per cent)

Leading therapy performance

For the month of August 2013, anti diabetics, cardiac and derma therapies have shown strong growths. On the other hand anti-infectives and gastro intestinals have declined as compared to last year.

While chronic therapies continued to grow strongly, the growth of acute therapies was sluggish.

Leading brands performance

EP News BureauMumbai

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