Express Pharma

Cole-Parmer launches hydrogen gas generators


Cole-Parmer has launched Paker Balston’s hydrogen gas generators. Proven in over 40,000 GC installations worldwide, these generators are compact and reliable, only one square foot of bench space required. Its unique display lighting changes colour for easy status checks and water level indication. Its exclusive water management system and control circuitry maximise uptime.

Parker Balston’s Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Cell eliminates the use of liquid electrolytes with hydrogen generators. The maintenance of the equipment requires only a few moments per year at no inconvenience and extended downtime. At a very nominal cost, the filters need to be changed every six months and the desiccant cartridge whenever it turns dark brown. De-ionized water is all that is required to generate hydrogen for weeks of continuous operation. With an output capacity of up to 510 cc/minute, one generator can supply 99.9995 per cent pure hydrogen for up to several FID’s. Based on cylinder gas savings alone, a Parker Balston hydrogen generator pays for itself in less than a year.

All Parker Balston hydrogen generators meet NFPA requirements and OSHA 1910.103 regulations governing the storage of hydrogen. Many labs are turning to gas generators for convenience. When selecting the proper carrier gas for gas chromatography, a laboratory manager traditionally has three choices: nitrogen, helium or hydrogen. Global supply issues related to helium and sometimes other gases have led to shortages and significant price increases in both gas costs and cylinder fees. As a result, many laboratories are re-evaluating the best carrier gas to provide maximum analysis time while offering safety and cost effectiveness. Reasons labs are considering purchasing a gas generator include: increased safety, cost savings (cheaper than gas cylinders), switching helium to hydrogen, upgrading old systems, quality control, and so on.

Contact Details:
Tel: 022 – 67162229/53
Email: [email protected]

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