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Rockwell Automation bags recognition

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Our News BureauMumbai

The Ethisphere Institute recognised Rockwell Automation as one of the ‘world’s most ethical companies.’ The Ethisphere Institute is a leading international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), anti-corruption and sustainability.

Through in-depth research and a multi-step analysis, Ethisphere reviewed nominations from companies in more than 100 countries and 36 industries. A record number of nominations and applications this year is evidence of both the award’s growing prominence and companies’ desire to be acknowledged for their high ethical standards.

“A defining element that sets Rockwell Automation’s workplace apart from others is our culture of ethics, responsibility and accountability. At every level of the company, our 21,000 employees worldwide have an unwavering dedication to doing the right thing. Our global commitment to responsible business practices is absolute. For us, honesty, fairness, quality and responsiveness are guiding principles and integrity is an underlying value in every business transaction,” commented, Keith D Nosbusch, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rockwell Automation.

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