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Waters ionKey/ MS System receives R&D Magazine R&D 100 Award


Novel approach is to enhance the sensitivity of bioanalytical, biomarker validation, pharmacokinetic and food research LC/MS analyses

Waters Corporation announced that Waters ionKey/MS System has received an R&D Magazine R&D 100 Award as one of the 100 most technologically innovative products to be introduced over the past year.

Intended for use with Waters ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System and a range of Waters mass spectrometers, including the Xevo TQ-S , Xevo G2-XS and the Synapt G2-Si, the Waters ionKey/ MS System physically integrates a UPLC separation into the mass spectrometer producing up to a 40x improvement in sensitivity, enabling scientists to achieve unparalleled separation and detection of compounds. The ionKey/ MS System’s iKey Microfluidic Separation Device, which is about the size of a smart phone, contains the fluidic connections, electronics, ESI interface, column heater, eCord Intelligent Chip Technology and the 1.7 micron UPLC grade particles packed inside a 150 micron I.D. channel to perform hundreds upon hundreds of UPLC separations reproducibly and reliably without a degradation in performance.

For quantifying extremely low abundant analytes, researchers often turn to microscale LC techniques employing microfluidics because of their ability to optimise ionisation efficiency and improve MS sampling. Merck scientists beta-testing the ionKey/ MS System reported that the method they developed achieved an overall 20-fold increase in sensitivity (0.5 picomoles vs. 11 picomoles) for endogenous levels of GLP-1 in human plasma, a faster run time (nine minutes vs. 35 minutes), increased specificity and resolution over a more traditional LC-MS/MS method.

Since the R&D 100 award competition began, Waters has won nine R&D 100 awards, most recently for its CORTECS 1.6 micron analytical columns, Oasis 96-Well (micro) Elution Extraction Plate, XTERRA Columns, ACQUITY UPLC System and the ACQUITY UPC2 System.

EP News BureauMumbai

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