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Caregiving simplified

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Caregiving in reality is an act of love and compassion. However, it also takes courage to for the old and the ailing loved ones on a daily basis. Especially, if one is a working caregiver-life seems to be extremely difficult. ‘Juggling Work and Caregiving’, an e-book developed by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), sponsored by Pfizer and authored by AARP’s Amy Goyer, is a complete guide for people who have been caring for their ailing loved ones at home while having their own careers. The title of the book is self explanatory and it gives a clear understanding to the readers that the book deals with various challenges a working caregiver. The e-book also gives infomration on how one can successful trod over these rough patches in life and handle it with aplomb. The book offers useful tips to people who are caregivers on a day-to-day basis and yet need to maintain a balance with their work.

The book begins with a foreword by Dr Freda Lewis-Hall, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Pfizer, a name well known among international pharma and healthcare experts. She writes, “We believe that caregivers are both essential to our society and under-appreciated within it. Whatever your situation, this guide makes it clear: You are not alone”. This show of solidarity raises high hopes from the book and urges you to read it.

“Although caregiving can be a richly rewarding experience, the role comes with enormous responsibilities — and pressures,” writes the author, while she introduces the subject.

The book has 14 chapters that deal with aspects related to caregiving and managing a paid job. Caregiving is an art mastered by experience and the author explains this well in each of its chapters. The topics covered in each chapter are also very pertinent and comprises issues that may arise on a day-to-day basis in the life of a working caregiver. Written in simple and lucid language which can be easily understood and comprehended, the book offers great insights and keeps you hooked till the last page. In a time, when there are quite a number of books available on caregiving, the books takes a personal approach in solving various challenges. Apart from this, the author gives a personal touch to book by sharing her own poignant story as a live-in caregiver to her parents.

Title: Juggling Work and Caregiving’
Author: Amy Goyer
Edited by: C Sampath & Hannah Paul
Publisher: Rosetta Books
Developed by: AARP
Sponsored by: Pfizer
Available for download: Kindle, Apple, Barnes and Noble and Kobo e-tailer stores

She also incorporates experiences shared by many working caregivers from America, since this book is written keeping in mind, the working caregivers from the US. Some might wonder that if the book caters to Americans, what will the lure for Indian readers?

Well, the answer is the book itself. Caregiving as an act comes with a set of challenges, issues and solutions which remian similar regardless of the topography.

In the first chapter, the author speaks about understanding a caregiver and the challenges faced by them. The second chapter deals with the real tough job of a caregiver juggling their work and caring for their loved ones. The third chapter gives tips on how a working caregiver can plan for their ailing loved ones. Moving on, in the fourth chapter, the author touches upon details that usually caregivers overlook while they juggle through these difficult times but can have far reaching consequences, for instance caring for themselves. Sharing some personal experiences, the author in this chapter helps one overcoming the emotional and physical challenges that a caregiver is bound to face. The author elaborates of this theme in the fifth and sixth chapters as well. Taking a step forward, Chapter 7 and 8 is on how a caregiver needs to manage his/her legal and financial matters. Often, while caregivers are engrossed in providing support and medical aid to the loved ones they tend to overlook details related to medical insurance settlements and other financial matters. Here, the author, in a simple way explains how one can efficiently maintain medical bills, settle claims and take care of legal matters while caring for their loved ones.

In the latter chapters 10, 11 and 12, the author gives tips on how to maintain a work-life balance when your ailing loved ones live in a separate facility away from home. She also teaches the caregivers to be prepared for a crisis situation. In Chapter 12, the author gives tips on how to manage the hospitalisation of a loved one while handling a paid job.

Chapter 13 and 14 deals with life’s most difficult times-when caregivers have to part with the loved ones whom they have looked after for a long time. Indeed, this is the time when most caregivers experience an emotional collapse. Often it seems to be the end of the world for them. However, here the author who also experienced the same pain, advises how cope with the situation and move forward. The author sums up the book by providing some interesting ways where people can make a new beginning.

All in all, the book serves as a simple yet effective guide and reference for caregivers while they take on an important role in their lives. The book is available for free download in the Kindle, Apple, Barnes and Noble and Kobo e-tailer stores.

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