Express Pharma

Hetero Healthcare organises Hepatitis awareness programme

Conducts Hepathon-Walk for Liver’ in Mumbai

Hetero Healthcare recently organised the first edition of ‘Hepathon – Walk for Liver’ in Mumbai. It aimed to raise public awareness on Hepatitis with a focus on prevention, diagnosis and effective ways to manage the disease using latest treatment options.

A large number of doctors, corporate employees, students and local citizens from Mumbai participated in this awareness campaign, and walked a distance of three kilometres in Borivali, Mumbai spreading messages and encouraging people to be a part of this Hepatitis awareness programme.

On this occasion, Dr Deepak Amarapurkar, Liver Specialist, Bombay Hospital said, “It is really a fascinating experience being a part of the Hepathon – Hepatitis awareness initiative with my fellow doctors and other members of the society. People should take all preventive and screening measures proactively to avoid the disease. New drugs in the segment of Hepatitis treatment have shown to be more effective and are available at significantly lesser price in India than the western world.”

Parimal Hiradhar, Executive Director, Hetero Healthcare said, “At Hetero Healthcare, we feel that it is our social responsibility to organise this Hepatitis awareness initiative, ‘Hepathon: Walk for Liver.’  Through this initiative, we aim to create better awareness among general public on Hepatitis.”

To mark the World Hepatitis Day – July 28, the company also conducted extensive free screening camps for Hepatitis B & C virus in association with clinicians across Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

EP News BureauMumbai

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